
A Student Union can be found from every University of Applied Sciences in Finland. In Lapland UAS, it bears the name ROTKO.

As a vigilant watchdog of student affairs, our mission is to ensure that the students' voice is heard in all decision making which concerns studying itself and student life in general. Our important objective is to maintain the student culture both at school and during free time. Because student life shouldn't be just hard work, several student association in the school, among with Student Union ROTKO, organizes various events and happenings throughout the school year.

All students of Lapland UAS can become full members of the Union by obtaining a student card. The same card offers various local and national discounts and student benefits. This booklet contains information about the membership card and instructions for ordering it. 

When you start your studies, you will meet our student tutors. If you have any thoughts or concerns about studies or student life, or you are interested in participating in the Student Union work, don't hesitate to just ask from our personnel.

Click the links below and get to know our student union and the people behind it!